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About Me

Hi, I’m Yan Penh, welcome to my website!

I created this site hoping to express and share a little more about my personal interests and creations. While also showcasing my personal and professional portfolio all together under one platform. 


Being in my 20s currently, I see myself as a ‘Work in Progress' and I’m looking forward to experiencing and learning from what life brings along the way.


In recent years, I’ve developed an avid interest in content creation, specifically graphic design pertaining to Abstract Illustrations, Self Discovery & Self Reflectory related forms of quotes designs, and more hence I committed myself to self-learning and self-practicing as much as I could along the way whenever I could. While being fully aware that I'd definitely require more room for improvement throughout my journey in the creative realm. 


And with that, I hope to gain valuable and meaningful feedback from you personally with the following 'feedback/comment' section attached below :)  


Additionally, what made me want to pursue the creative realm including advertising & marketing was also due to a fun short story when I was young, I came across several billboards & tv related ads (under traditional marketing) where I remembered coming across and seeing many innovative, interesting & plot twisting ads and it made me wondered and have thoughts back then such as - "How did the advertising company who created & produced these ads came up with the whole creative and production process of the ad?", "What were their thought process for the idea and ad overall?", "What was their intention and/or objective for creating such ads?", "Why did they decide to piece the ad altogether in such order?" and more. 


Over the years, my interest and perhaps my passion for advertising & marketing grew increasingly with the rise of digital marketing (consisting such as the use of social media-related apps, blogging, and/or vlogging platforms (in word, picture, video, & audio forms), and with so many other digital related platforms that bring so much more to marketing presently and/or in recent years such as optimization, analysis, CRM, partnerships, Kol, out of home and more, the list is truly endless!  


And now more than ever, I'm striving to be a continuous learner who will constantly seek and strive for gradual growth and developmental opportunities both in my professional and personal lives along the way.


Personal Interest: Photography in Nature, Landscape, Animals, Food, & Every Little Thing in Life, Personal Content Creations (through Graphic Designing, Photography & Videography), Editing on Pictures (through Basic Photoshop/Editing software), and/or Videos (through Basic Windows Movie Maker/Editing software), Doodling, Painting & more!  


Feel free to leave a comment for me down below if all these I've mentioned might resonate with you! :)

Thank you for your kind support and constructive feedback/comment, they're greatly appreciated! 



Yan Penh

Ypphotography Brand Logo V1 (Newly Rebranded) - White.png

The name Ypphoto.graphy came about in an unplanned and unexpected manner one day while I was considering and deciding on what would be considered as a suitable personal brand name to go with on a long term basis.

And while I initially was only planning on a personal brand name that could be utilized for my photography Instagram account when it was first created back in March 2020, I came to realize the significance of a personal brand name where it could be fully utilized professionally across any social platform.

Recently, I had also further branched out my photography Instagram account into several areas where I would personally like to showcase the different forms of content creations I had created gradually along the way.

Nonetheless, as Photography is still one of my main interests, I had come to a decision that Ypphoto.graphy would be a suited name to utilize based on my personal consideration and sentiment in mind!  :) 

In short, 'Ypphoto' depicts on my first name initials and my main interest towards Photography, while '.graphy' depicts my additional interests towards "indicating a form or process of writing, representing, etc" as well as "indicating an art or descriptive science" as described by Collins Dictionary overall! :D 


How did my Tagline 'Create Content Through My Lens'  came about?

Hahaha true be told, it was a Tagline I thought of when I was looking at my reflection one day and I realized that I was much more comfortable and used to wearing spectacles more often and regularly as compared to without them hence that was when this idea came to my mind!


As I'm mainly using my eyes as one of my main facial features where I'll need it to enable me to view and see what are the things I have created and designed all these times and with me wearing my spectacles often and regularly, this chosen tagline really clicks to me over time. 


And not to forget, as mentioned above, as Photography is still one of my favourite interests and hobbies all these years, the word 'Lens' also refers to the use of my camera lens as they help to capture so many beautiful images and moments, and thus lastly, that was how I made my content from thereafter. 

Our Official Brand Logo Look

Combination Mark Logo

Our Combination Mark Logo comprises of a Logotype and Logomark combined into one logo.

In correlation to our Brand Motto's core meaning where we hope to brighten or make someone's day when they own a small part of our collection, we hope that we could put a smile on every person who receives our products hence we've decided to go with a smiley face icon for the overall idea of our brand's logomark.

Also, along with our brand tagline titled "Create Content Through My Lens", we've thus thought of improvising the nose element of our smiley face icon by substituting it with a graphic pen tool element instead.

As the nose area represents the center point of our face, it symbolizes just like how graphic design is a specialized core aspect for us.

As we strive to be ever-innovative in the creative realm, and with our brand name, "graphy" aligned to the left side of the icon, we've hence decided to position the graphic pen tool element towards the left side of the smiley face icon overall. 

Wordmark / Logotype Logo

We'd be utilizing these 2 formats of our brand logo based on relevancy and the proper usage of them.

We hope you like them as much as we love and enjoyed creating them!


Thanks for submitting!

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